Liebe Mitglieder,
We are pleased to share with you the now traditional newsletter of CISV Switzerland. This is an opportunity to share with you the latest developments in CISV Switzerland
Day Camps
During these first months of the year, we have been delighted to keep in touch with you and your children through two Zoom Day Camps.
During the January activity, they were able to test their knowledge of CISV and its traditions in a virtual scavenger hunt. For the second day, which took place in March, we organised an activity on the difference of perspective in a debate.
We were delighted to see the enthusiasm and active participation of the young people in both activities.
While we look forward to seeing your children in person, we continue to learn about this tool and appreciate any feedback you can give us.

National Camp
Shortly after our decision to withdraw CISV Switzerland from the international programmes for the summer of 2021, CISV International decided to cancel all camps.
As previously announced, we are working on a national camp for July 2021. This camp is aimed at CISVers aged 11 to 15. It will be built on the idea of the Model United Nations. The participants will be separated into delegations by age and each delegation will be assigned a CISV member country. With the help of their leader, they will be able to prepare a national night to present the country in question. This way, we hope to add a more international dimension to our camp.
This camp will be bilingual and therefore open to non-French speakers.
Call for leaders
No camp can take place without leaders and staff! If you have any 21+ young people in your circle, please tell them about us and suggest that they send their CV and motivation letter to or to For more information, you can visit our website.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Junior Branch
For the JB (16+) the idea is also to organise a weekend/camp, but this will depend on your motivation. If you are interested, please send an email to so that the NJRs know who is interested and what the best dates would be. Also, if you have an idea for an activity that you would like to organise with the JB, do not hesitate to contact them. Indeed, the YB works on a principle of youth initiative. The more you get involved, the more it comes to life.
CISV shop
For some months now, we have been working on a catalogue of CISV Switzerland products which we are pleased to present to you. The order form is on the last page. Our shop operates on a pre-order basis, but we will only order products that are in high enough demand to justify the shipping costs. The items will be available for collection at CISV events.
mini camp
We are hoping that we will be able to host our traditional May Mini camp in person. It is to take place from May 8th to May 9th. You will receive more information when we are sure that we will be allowed to hold it.
All that remains is to wish you a happy Easter and a great holiday. We look forward to seeing you soon,
CISV Switzerland