Dear CISVers,
We have reached the end of 2020, which was filled with emotions and challenges. In CISV as well, this year has required a great deal of creativity to maintain the key moments of our calendar. We would like to use this opportunity to thank you for attending (in person or virtually) all our events and for all your kind and encouraging messages through the year.
Mini-Camp and General Assembly
For our traditional November mini-camp, we went virtual to accommodate the situation. We were glad to see many of your children present. Not wanting to forgo any of our traditions, we kept all of our songs, energisers and dances which created a number of surprised looks in living rooms as the children danced in front of their computer.
Like every year, the General Assembly followed the mini-camp and there again, we were very glad to welcome many of you and see how invested you are in CISV. We introduced new procedures for signing in and preparing the camps. These changes aim to recenter CISV Switzerland around the values of the international organisation : each camp welcoming several nationalities, not needing an exotic destination for the experience to be rich, educational and unique.

Day Camp
One of the changes is the introduction of « Day Camps ». These afternoons are meant to prepare the families for the camp. For the children, this is the opportunity to learn all CISV traditions and to get used to the type of activities. The parents can straighten all the logistic aspects of departure.
On the first Day Camp on November 29th, the dances and songs in the living rooms resurfaced as the children learned (or shared) all the little things and gestures that unite CISVers all around the world ! They also learned to organise a typical camp day and thought about how to introduce Switzerland to other cultures.

Save the date for the next Day Camp on January 31st !
You will soon receive an email invitation.
Summer 2021
We are still hopeful to be able to send children to international camps this summer. However, we are aware of the possibility that the camps could be cancelled. We are thus working in parallel on a new National Camp to be able to give you the best possible CISV experience, no matter the circumstances.
Call For Leaders

No camp can happen without Leaders and Staffs ! If you know young adults (21+) around you, tell them about us and suggest sending their resume along with a motivation letter to Thanks in advance for your precious help !
We wish you a wonderful New Year’s Eve and we are looking forward to meeting you again next year healthy and full of motivation !
CISV Switzerland