- Presides over commitee meetings
- Communicates with IO
- Developps NA and budget strategy
- Handles crisis, makes sure national and CISV laws are respected
- Research of committee member
- Assists CISV Switzerland in the organisation and realisation of projects

Risk Manager
- International Training and recertification every 3 years
- reminds the commitee of the CISV rules and possibility offered by the IO
- Handles administrative: insurance, incident report forms
- Manages risks and conflicts during camps hosted by Switzerland and for participants abroad. Has to be easy to join in case of emergency

National Secretary
- Contacts new member, gives information about CISV
- Communication about local activities
- Handles inscriptions to mini-camps and other programs
- Updates the mailing lists
- Follows up with payments and remainders
- types the record of committee meetings
contact email : secretariat@cisv.ch

National Treasurer
- Account management
- Budget strategy planning
- Controls treasury, grants budget for activities and international trainings
- Follows payments

National Camp coordinator
- Oversees the organisation of the mini camps
- Research of local and international Staff for the national camp
- Logistic help for the Staffs to organise transportation, host families, etc.
- Organises the relay of "on call" people so that there is always a contact person during the camp (in addition to the Risk Manager)

National Representative
- Link between CISV Switzerland and what goes in CISV International
- Represents Switzerland in regional and international meeting and for all votes
- Works in collaborations with other NARs on projects to help CISV evolve
- Assists CISV Switzerland in the organisation and realisation of projects

Mini-camps coordinator
- Oversees the organisation of mini camps
- Manages volunteers
- Manages inscriptions

Leader Coordinator
- Keeps de list of leaders up to date
- Makes sure the staff have received the mandatory training asked by the Canons
- Recruitment of leaders and staff
- Helps the leaders and staff get ready for the programs
If you are interested in helping us and taking this role, you can contact info@cisv.ch for more information.

Volunteers Coordinator
- Looks for volunteers for our different events
- Organises the planning for the volunteers

Shop Manager
- Oversees the manufacturing of products sold by CISV Switzerland
- Manages the list of participants and delegation to make sure all leave for camp with a t-shirt and a hoodie that fits
- Manages sales and remaining stock

- International training and recertification every 3 years
- Organise and conduct local training sessions for Leaders, Staffs and 16+ participants before their camps
- Helps trainees register to international trainings (RTF)

Public relations Team
- Organises activities to increase CISV visibility in Switzerland
- Research of sponsors and places for activities and events
- Registers the CISV for events (Ex: La Plaine des Jeunes)
- Organises opportunity to presentthe CISV in schools, universities, etc

National junior representative
- Organise CISV events through the year
- Coordination of the mini camps activities
- Contact with other young CISVers in the world to organise international projects
contact email : njr@cisv.ch

- Updates the CISV Switzerland website
- Updates online registration and members list
- Updates the calendar on the website
- Link with other social media (JB)
- Futur Projects: online payment, online shop, etc
contact email : webmaster@cisv.ch

MyCISV Coordinator
- Makes sure every participant has a myCISV account
- Signs every participant in for their program on myCISV
Program Coordinators

- Oversees the preparation for the camp, from the trainings until the delegations are back from camp
- For the camps with a full delegation and leader : makes sure there is a good communication between the families and the leader before the camp
- Administrative: makes sure all forms are filled out correctly and sent out before the deadlines
- Assists CISV for the organisation of projects
contact mail : rdp@cisv.ch